Thursday, 7 February 2013

Types of Networked Learning

Networked learning is a process of developing and maintaining connections with people and information, and communicating in such a way so as to support one another's learning. The central term in this definition is connections. It takes a relational stance in which learning takes place both in relation to others and in relation to learning resources.

Networked learning is practiced in both informal and formal educational settings. In formal settings the learning achieved through networked communication is formally facilitated, assessed and/or recognized by an educational organization. In an informal setting, individuals maintain a learning network for their own interests, for learning "on-the-job", or for research purposes.

It has been suggested that networked learning offers educational institutions more functional efficiency, in that the curriculum can be more tightly managed centrally, or in the case of vocational learning, it can reduce costs to employers and tax payers However, it is also argued that networked learning is too often considered within the presumption of institutionalized or educationalised learning, thereby omitting awareness of the benefits that networked learning has to informal or situated learning.

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